Monday, April 7, 2008

Brings to us......

April showers bring ??? Bring us much colder weather then along the coast...our spring flowers are just starting to bloom, but I see them everywhere in the well manicured lawns in town. Also bring us frosty mornings...very very hard to garden in..I'm thinking I might just do our gardening project at the kitchen table. I want so very much to grow all our veggies this year. So far though, all the seeds we started last week were dumped into one large pile by the toddler. After a discussion and a pinky promise I think we might give it another try. I am envisioning a tee-pee of scarlet pole beans and calendula soon. In the meantime the rain will pound on our metal roof and we will continue to burn fires in our wood stove. For a few more weeks.

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