Friday, April 4, 2008

Farm life

        Life on the farm consists of 2 kinds of days. In town days and at 
home days. Although I try to stay at home as often as possible it 
seems like we always need something. Today I cleaned and cooked all day 
long. Cooking while cleaning is really counter productive. (I need to 
be able to order take-out food on days like today..but like I've 
mentioned before...not really a possibilty where I live.)
The baby's now getting his 2nd tooth, so he just wants to be held. We've 
been giving him all kinds of baby food too! He seems to like 
everything so far, and his sister loves to feed him.
Yesterday we were in town all day. We watched a house burn down. It 
was horrible really, but I turned it into an incredible homeschooling 
project. What the firefighters do..what we would do if it were at our 
house..etc. We even got to watch a women fire fighter use a chainsaw!
And my 5 year old, always the one with the quick answer shouts "Good thing 
it's not the ice-cream shop", which we were on our way to.
Ri, insists that he is a big boy whenever and wherever we are, 
always needing to do things himself. "me do it by MYSELLLLF! " He has this beautiful sing song voice and sweet disposition that make it hard to dicipline him at all. And his honesty, even when he knows it's a big mistake..."me do it". The other day when his sis was being she runs into another room Ri  looks at Papa and says "Ra-ree drive me nuts Mama nuts sometimes too." 

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