Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Peacocks, baby chicks, and naughty kids.

Well, the snow went away as fast as it arrived. You wouldn't even know it had snowed at all, except for a few shady places. Our little baby is still teething and SO fussy. He's finally asleep and I am hoping the peacocks don't wake him. They are shouting tonight! 
 We were in town the last two days.  My least favorite part of town days is when I can not get my children to behave no matter what. When they do outrageous things that just make me want to hide. Most people smile helplessly, my favorites say things like "this too shall pass - we raised 6!". 
 But of course the worst things happen at the wrong times. You know what - I can't even tell you story. I am too afraid that others might think the same way as this man. And since anyone in the world can read about my little mischief makers... Basically some grouchy old man who didn't have children (or had already forgotten those early years) really let me know that children who behaved like mine were the reason behind the destruction of our beautiful town. 
Yeah...anyone else worried?

1 comment:

lainey said...

Any person, grouchy or not, who isn't instantly charmed by your kids is certifiably nuts! You are such a wonderful mommy. I am in awe of you.