Wednesday, May 7, 2008


TOMORROW Grandma arrives. Just in time to give me back my sanity. This morning I awoke to 2 little boys who pooped in their pants and (of course) got the sheets dirty too. Into the bath they went. I am trying to clean the house so Grandma doesn't think we are pigs. As she already thinks it is dirty solely based on the fact that we live in the woods. So by 8 am I had all kids washed dressed fed and packed into the car. Perhaps many of you do this every day, but to me it was quite a feat! 

We ran a few errands, bought some GREAT mothers day gifts..hee.hee . The kids were great so we went to the ZOO!! We have the BEST small town zoo I have ever been to. Check it out here.

Of course my toddler fell asleep on our way home, so I should be asleep too, as he will be waking up VERY early tomorrow. But I am winding down from finishing all my tasks this eve. I think all animals have been fed..if not oh well, can't change it now. ....hmm...I think they are all fed. Peacocks, chickens, dog, birds, fish....pony...Laundry is all folded. Not quite put away. Kitchen is decent. Rugs vacuumed, floors swept. Toilet paper in bathrooms. Oh well. It's not going to get any better so it'll just have to be good enough.

And this picture above? Just a small sampling of the beautiful pottery that is all over my house. From Grandma my amazing once Wall street now slowing down potter......

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