Monday, June 23, 2008

What to do with summer time colds?

Well, summer has arrived with the worst cold our family has received in a very long time. One by one my kids were down for the count. First blue eyes, then my sweet little man, now the baby...stuffy, fever, sleeping all day for days now. I'm almost out of quiet projects to do. Worse my love left this morning to drive his eldest back home. Everyone misses her already. So it's stay at home and get better week here on the Ranch. I hope no parrots hatch right now. Even though everyone is sleeping, they are not doing it at the same time (of course) and so I am tending to my littles all day and all night long. 
We have gotten our big chores done for the day. All the animals are fed and the kids will soon have dinner and hop in the bath. Hopefully the baby will sleep for over an hour at some point, and then I can get something done. Dishes...I am always washing dishes.
My newest project is learning photoshop and trying to create my own fabric here at the Spoonflower site. 
In my spare time of course. 
When I am not washing dishes.

The smoke outside is not helping our colds either. I can hear the Cal-fire crews working hard all around us. I think I will bring them some brownies when they return. I am so glad they are here protecting us. 

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