Friday, July 18, 2008

Oh uh he's mobile!

You hear it all the time, but it really is amazing how different each kid is, and how their personalities seem to start very early....
Today my youngest climbed not up one stair or two, but all the way up to the top floor on his first try! I had no clue he was ready for the stairs. He just kept going up - never looking back. Hmmm I wonder if that's a clue to his personality? 
Of course we searched all over for any working baby gates but they seem to have disappeared into the black hole in the barn.
My other two spent the day outside playing in the dirt .
 I may have purposely skipped the 4th of July this year, but there's no escaping all the presidential chatter even in our lives. Yes even here in the back country we here the news. The other day we watched a truck (I think it might of been a U-haul) roll past with a picture of Mount Rushmore on it. She shouts "Look Mama - those are important people carved into the rock!"
I wonder how she could tell.  And that led us into a home school project all about the presidents. She is really annoyed that Hillary Clinton won't be our next President. She wanted the woman to win. 

Well, I am certainly glad that she is an intelligent home schooled child. I don't know if I could really defend myself against all those people who don't think homeschooling is a good idea if she wasn't so bright and articulate. What do they think I should do? Send her to some public school who's only concerned with passing tests?  Our local high school doesn't have the funding necessary to put HOT water in the locker rooms. What else do you think they might be skimping on?

Actually we have found the perfect little school for us, and we will start in the fall. We are so very lucky. 

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