Saturday, October 11, 2008

Autumn is Cold!!

Sorry to have checked out for so long. It's been a tough month or two - our daughter has joined a great little school, and getting used to the routine has been intense. 
Plus R. and I have been working hard to get ready for winter!! 
Brrr was an October day indeed! Frost on our pond this morning! Our daughter bundled herself up all nice and snug with her woolens to take her morning walk to the barn. She lets the ponies out each morning and makes their dinner. 
Hopefully we will carve our pumpkins this week.  We took the kids on the tour of the local co-op pumpkin patch. We went through the corn maze and the kids learned all about caterpillars and butterflies! They each got to pick out whatever pumpkin they could carry, We are so lucky to have such a community oriented town. 
All and all things will be back to normal soon as we prepare for the hoidays. The next few months will be packed full of family crafts! Can't wait to tell you more! 

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