Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Next year everyone is allowed only 1 pumpkin.

For days we were begged by our children, "Please oh please take us to the Pumpkin Patch!!"
So finally we went on a homeschooling class trip, and brought home way too many beautiful pumpkins! Then we were told we just had to carve them ASAP!!
When the time came to carve had arrived we told the kids, "After lunch we will carve them."
Well, they did all the morning chores, extra well, and without any fusing. They ate all their breakfast, and even made lunch and brought it to us! They laid out the newspaper and got out all the supplies.
They told us how happy they were, and how - I quote "I have been waiting and waiting for this day all year!!" I even thought to myself - we should use pumpkin carving as a bribe more often - and then I remembered why we didn't.
And not 5 minutes after the faces had been drawn on the pumpkin the kids split to the swing-set and we were left doing the dirty work.

1 comment:

Rachel Weiss said...

great pumpkin designs. i loved the rounded eyes and mouth. hip hip hooray. hope we get to do some halloween fun together. xo